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Anne-Marie Belly


Montréal le 26 juillet 2010. Nous avons eu le plaisir de faire affaire avec la compagnie Déménagement - Alex et nous avons été très satisfaits du professionnalisme et de la courtoisie des déménageurs. Nous recommandons vivement leurs service a toutes personnes désireuses de déménager avec efficacité et sans soucis. Merci a Mr. Alex.



Hello Alex, I am sending a reference for my move from Montreal to Toronto. Regards, Ashar. I am very impressed by the service provided to me. Alex visited my apartment in Montreal to give a free estimate for my move to Toronto. The move was punctual and at the agreed rate, which was very reasonable. Excellent job!



This man named ALEX came to my rescue in a big way when he didn\'t need to. He had his 2 best guys immediately come and help me move. They where there by 1PM :) They didn\'t ask me for a single penny up front. They just went to work right away. Oh and by the way it was pouring rain that day. They did not stop for lunch or for supper. They just worked in the rain. I had to tell them to take a 10 min break after 5 hours of moving. They did not make one piece of damage or one second of rudeness. Do you want to know who Alex the owner of the moving company is? You should contact him right away if you need to move with peace of mind. Here is his number to call. CONTACT INFO: Tél 514-569-4443

Chelsea Hanlon


Excellent Service! Very helpful, friendly and efficient. Thanks very much!!!



Je voulais vous laisses savoir que vos employés ont fait un bon boulet et je suis très satisfaite. Je les trouve serviables, gentils, sociables. Je suis fier d’Alex.



Bonjour! J’ai très apprécie le service de M. Vadam et ses coéquipiers. Ils travaillent bien, sont polis et efficaces. Ils font attention à nos biens. J’avais reçu votre nom par référence et je n’hésiterai pas un instant a vous referez a mes amis et clients. Bravo ! et Merci !

Gizella K.


I was very, very pleased with Alex’s work and his partners. So I would recommend them for everybody, they are really good and trustable. I would call them every time I need. Thank you so much for your grate job!



Merci de votre efficacité, rapidité et d’avoir été prudent avec nos meubles.

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Pour informations, appelez-nous au: 514-569-4443